Mayo Clinic: Men’s Health Center


In general, imaging for Peyronie's Disease is used to determine the severity of the changes to the size and shape of your penis. This assessment will in turn allow us to develop the right treatment plan for your condition. Every effort is made to perform the imaging tests on the same day as your clinic consultation.

Penile Ultrasound and Curvature Assessment: For men who desire active treatment for their Peyronie's Disease, it is recommended that a penile ultrasound and curvature assessment be performed. An ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to make pictures of structures inside your body. The pictures can show the location and amount of scar tissue you have. An ultrasound can also show how blood flows through your penis. As a part of the ultrasound process, your doctor will examine you when you have an erection to see the severity of the curve. To create an erection, your doctor injects your penis with a medication that stimulates blood flow.

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Mayo is ranked #1 for treating this condition. Request an appointment to see how we can help you.